"House of Prayer & Deliverance"
Repentance Tabernacle Church
At Midnight!
It represents the height of the unconscious powers over the conscious powers of the world because it is the hour when most people are asleep and deep within their dreams. Is the beginning of a new day!
Life is an uncertainty but in God life is a certainty!
Uncertainty is defined as a situation in which something is not known, or something that is not known or certain; unpredictable.
Certainty is the state of being completely confident or having no doubt about something.
What's Your Testimony?
Sub-Topic: What was your first initial encounter with God?
A testimony is a witness; evidence; proof of some fact. In Scripture, the two tables of the law. The Word of God; the Scriptures.
God's Divine Presence!
We often walk through dismal valleys where we are surrounded by many potential pitfalls, but under the guidance and protection of the Great Shepherd there is nothing to fear.